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Weekly Word Count 11/13/19

Word Count: 20460

What story I’m currently working on:

So, this is two weeks of wordage, since apparently I missed last week’s update! As you can see, I’m going steady with NaNoWriMo, though my original plan got tweaked a bit. I had planned on throwing the entirety of NaNo into Tempting Ballad, but I decided to rework the end concept of the book and the following one so that I don’t need an in between novella. Yet that means Tempting Ballad is probably going to be 10k longer than planned, so I’m going to give myself a little extra time on that one. Besides, Whitfield #2 has a due date for early next year, so I’m better off trying to get the 30-40k novella finished in November and then continuing on at a reasonable clip with Tempting Ballad. Currently I’m at 12k in Of Coppers and Cracksmen, and 30k in Tempting Ballad.

What I’m editing/marketing:

So I’ve gotten most of the feedback for Dungeons and Dating, and I’m actually through a lot of the line by line edits. My goal is to have this book ready for submission by early December (ideally by PitMad). I’m also going to use PitMad as my litmus test for if it’s time to move on to sending A Thief’s Crusade out to publishers. After all, Scrying for Summer and Captured Memories came out last week and they were my last releases for 2019. Next year the only ones I’ve got officially in the book are Rising for Autumn and Waking for Winter. Which means I’ve got to get writing!

Join my brigade:

The best ways to get involved with my work is by joining my ARC List, my Facebook Group, my Newsletter, or if you want exclusive content and a free sci-fi romance, sign up for my Patreon!

Teaser of the week:


Currently listening to:

Line of the week:

The satiation flooding his bones was something new, a quieting he’d only ever felt around this man. Renn lifted a finger to trail down Kincaid’s chest, those marbled pecs glistening with sweat.

“Don’t tell me that’s all you’ve got,” Renn murmured, needing to distract himself from the way those feelings sunk claws into him. He met Kincaid’s eyes with a cocky grin.

Leo shook his head, a grin spreading wide enough to reveal his fangs. “I thought you knew me better than that.” He sank back down and pressed a kiss on his lips again. When he pulled back, he murmured against his mouth. “We’ve got all night, gorgeous.”

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Captured Memories Release Day


Book three of the Cupid’s Cafe series has arrived! Grab a copy of Captured Memories today!

An invitation to Cupid’s Café will change your life.

After the incident that caused Liv Morozov to drop out of college, years later she’s still trying to pick up the pieces of her life. She’s managed to carve out a career for herself as a photographer, but when it comes to guys? Her issues send them running for the hills, every damn time.

Zane Parata has declared himself off-limits for relationships. Between trying to maintain sobriety and the long hours he works as a chef, no one wants to deal with his brand of damage, and he wouldn’t want to burden them in the first place.

When Liv shows up at Cupid’s Café, she never expected to find Zane, her brother’s former best friend who had vanished one day and never returned. The sparks that surged when they were both teens rekindle stronger than ever, and all too fast, Liv and Zane entangle in each other’s lives, breaking their own rules. Except with both struggling with the demons from their past, the love that’s begun to grow is one lapse away from shattering the two of them beyond repair.

Posted in Articles

Weekly Word Count: 10/30/19

Word Count: 1344

What story I’m currently working on:

I got a little bit of Tempting Ballad worked on and then I also wrote a paragraph in Whitfield Files #2, though I didn’t get nearly as much worked on as I hoped for in launching back into writing. I’m planning on going full force for NaNo in November, so maybe I can make up for lost time then. I didn’t plan on this whole getting sick thing, which has wiped me out half of the week.

What I’m editing/marketing:

I started diving into content edits of Dungeons and Dating, did some line edits on it, so pretty much all I’ll need to do are final content edits and the big vibrancy, cliche, and grammatical passes. I’m thinking I’ll be done by the end of the year, which is all sorts of excite. Currently, I have A Thief’s Crusade out on submission, but if I don’t have any luck by December, I’m going to start submitting to more publishers. I really want the Outlaws series to come out for you guys next year. Also, Color of a Soul is now available in audio, and next week both Scrying for Summer and Captured Memories come out!

Join my brigade:

The best ways to get involved with my work is by joining my ARC List, my Facebook Group, my Newsletter, or if you want exclusive content and a free sci-fi romance, sign up for my Patreon!

Teaser of the week:

“Trevor had lived a long time, but he hadn’t dared believe he’d ever see the stripped down and unplugged version of Danica Maslanka.”

Currently listening to:

Line of the week:

Renn rolled his eyes. “All work and no play makes Leo a pent-up boy.” He knew the man had a one-track mind for his goals in the same way he had a one-track mind for sex. “So far, you haven’t come close to meeting my sex drive’s requirements. I can always pop off for a snack on the side.” He knew he was goading the man on, but damn was it fun.

A growl came from Kincaid’s lips, and he rose from what he was doing to stalk over in his direction. Those hands gripped his wrists like iron and all Kincaid needed to give was the slightest shove for him to fall back onto the bed. Renn’s grin widened.

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Weekly Word Count: 10/16/19

Word Count: 23101

What story I’m currently working on:

Well, this was one of the best damn writing weeks I’ve probably had all year. That’s a superhuman word count, possible only because I REALLY wanted to write the sexy bits. Because of that, I fucking FINISHED the first book in my Dungeons and Dating series at 70k. Holy jeez, what a roller coaster. That book was such a fun one to write and made me really miss San Francisco. I loved that city a lot when we visited in 2013.

What I’m editing/marketing:

Apart from reviewing the audio files for Color of a Soul, I did little else in terms of editing my own junk, mostly because I was rocking through Dungeons and Dating. However, Color of a Soul IS heading to retail, so I’ll be announcing that any day now. Also, Scrying for Summer is up for pre-order! The other book on pre-order that’s coming out a day earlier is Captured Memories. If somehow you missed out on my bold and beautiful Tribal Spirits series, check out Forged Alliances, the first book in the series, for only 99 cents! (and the rest of the series on Kindle Unlimited for a LIMITED time only!)

Join my brigade:

The best ways to get involved with my work is by joining my ARC List, my Facebook Group, my Newsletter, or if you want exclusive content and a free sci-fi romance, sign up for my Patreon!

Teaser of the week:

“Lana intertwined her fingers through his. “That’s all we can ever do. Try,” she responded, her voice hushed. “Try to hold on to those moments that flicker like candlelight with the people we care about. You and I bo

Currently listening to:

Line of the week:

“You say that now,” Mel teased. “But what happens when I accidentally track mud through the house because I’m a mess? Or worse, order pizza with mushrooms?”

Roxie levelled a look at her. “I’ll pick the mushrooms off, dumbass. And I’m perfectly capable of pointing out your mud prints—though realistically, you’ll never be as much of a mess as Bel.”

“Dumbass?” Mel said, clutching her chest even as her eyes crinkled with how hard she grinned. “Look at these beautiful names my girlfriend calls me.”

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Weekly Word Count: 10/9/19

Word Count: 11001

What story I’m currently working on:

Aaaaand the words keep flowing. I’m keeping decent pace, since I just reached 47k on the first book in the Dungeons and Dating series. I’m definitely teetering closer to the finish line, but there’s still quite a bit left to write. We’ll see. If I’m really feeling the scenes, I may finish the book next week, but that’s dependent on how long certain things take to write out, etc. I’d like this book to be 65-70k, but my romances tend to end up around 60k, so I’m not sure how the chips will fall.

What I’m editing/marketing:

I’ve slowed down on the edits for Outlier Heir, because I’m also reviewing the audio files for Color of a Soul this week. Hopefully that will be coming out over the next few weeks! Yay new audio book! I also just got the ARC for Scrying for Summer in, which means that it’ll be up for pre-order on Amazon any day now! The other book on pre-order that’s coming out a day earlier is Captured Memories. If somehow you missed out on my bold and beautiful Tribal Spirits series, check out Forged Alliances, the first book in the series, for only 99 cents!

Join my brigade:

The best ways to get involved with my work is by joining my ARC List, my Facebook Group, my Newsletter, or if you want exclusive content and a free sci-fi romance, sign up for my Patreon!

Teaser of the week:

He didn_t know what he searched for out there in all the blue. Maybe the faintest glimmer of hope, like the sun gliding off the rippling surface of the lake.(3)

Currently listening to:

Line of the week:

Lilah and Rose sat with Tabby at the opposite end of the bar. Roxie strode in their direction. A woman at the bar was giving her the eye, furtive glances followed by a delicate sip from whatever pink drink she was nursing. Roxie bobbed her head in a nod as she passed by, not wanting to be rude. She wasn’t in the mood for a random hookup or one-night stand though.

She wanted something real.

She wanted Mel Roberts.

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Weekly Word Count: 10/2/19

Word Count: 10166

What story I’m currently working on:

Well, I just passed the 36k mark on the first book in the Dungeons and Dating series. This book is just flowing, and I keep rolling through with it. My goal is 70k for the book, but it’ll probably end up being more like 60k, which is fine. I’ll eventually be returning to Tempting Ballad too, though I’m probably going to swing a concentrated effort into it during NaNoWriMo in November.

What I’m editing/marketing:

Well, my focus is switching around due to certain developments, so while I’m working on this new foray with the Dungeons and Dating book, I’ll be continuing the Outlier Heir rewrite. It’s coming along, since I’m 1/3 of the way through. I finished up on the Scrying for Summer edits, so you can be keeping an eye out for the pre-order soon. Speaking of pre-orders, Captured Memories is already on the docket, book three in the Cupid’s Cafe series. AND if you haven’t checked it out yet, Forged Redemption is now LIVE! The entire Tribal Spirits series is available on Kindle Unlimited for a limited time only, so check it out!

Join my brigade:

The best ways to get involved with my work is by joining my ARC List, my Facebook Group, my Newsletter, or if you want exclusive content and a free sci-fi romance, sign up for my Patreon!

Teaser of the week:

Add a heading(1)

Currently listening to:

Line of the week:

Jasper clutched a hand to his chest. “It’s like a real Thanksgiving dinner with Mommy and Daddy fighting.”

Roxie couldn’t help the snort that flew from her. Leave it to Jas to switch to sarcastic humor. “This is leagues better than trying for a Thanksgiving dinner with my family. I don’t have to drive anyone to the hospital for alcohol poisoning.”

“Or pull a needle out of anyone’s arm,” Ford contributed. Roxie’s brows lifted—that was the most the guy had volunteered since he’d started working for them. She met his gaze and nodded. She understood.

“Christ, what kind of Thanksgiving dinners have you guys been going to?” Mel jumped in. “We just have turkey, mashed potatoes, and a pun-off.”

Lilah blanched. “Oh god, that’s way worse.”

Mel snorted and lifted up a spoon full of mashed potatoes. “Points are deducted for fowl play.”

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Captured Memories Available for Pre-Order!


Captured Memories is available for pre-order and will come out November 5th!

An invitation to Cupid’s Café will change your life.

After the incident that caused Liv Morozov to drop out of college, years later she’s still trying to pick up the pieces of her life. She’s managed to carve out a career for herself as a photographer, but when it comes to guys? Her issues send them running for the hills, every damn time.

Zane Parata has declared himself off-limits for relationships. Between trying to maintain sobriety and the long hours he works as a chef, no one wants to deal with his brand of damage, and he wouldn’t want to burden them in the first place.

When Liv shows up at Cupid’s Café, she never expected to find Zane, her brother’s former best friend who had vanished one day and never returned. The sparks that surged when they were both teens rekindle stronger than ever, and all too fast, Liv and Zane entangle in each other’s lives, breaking their own rules. Except with both struggling with the demons from their past, the love that’s begun to grow is one lapse away from shattering the two of them beyond repair.

Posted in Articles

Weekly Word Count: 9/04/19

Word Count: 2531

What story I’m currently working on:

I’m at 12k at Tempting Ballad and still trying to get in the swing of things. It’s taking some time, since I just did a major editing push. Though, this book has been scorching so far–Renn’s got sex on the brain nonstop, and it’s going to be tough to switch this commitment phobe’s gear to a relationship with the rebel CEO. I adore both of the characters though. They’ve been really fun to write.

What I’m editing/marketing:

The waiting, the waiting, the waiiiting–now on Pomegranate’s Kiss too, because I finished that book this past week and sent it off to submissions. Once I hear back from the publisher, I’m going to decide if I’m gonna start writing Tempting Ballad and the next Eros Tales simultaneously, because Mitch and Nellie’s story is begging to be written. Next on the release agenda is the final Tribal Spirits book, Forged Redemption, but there will also be two re-releases in November: Captured Memories (Cupid’s Cafe #3) and Scrying for Summer (Philadelphia Coven Chronicles #2)

Join my brigade:

The best ways to get involved with my work is by joining my ARC List, my Facebook Group, my Newsletter, or if you want exclusive content and a free sci-fi romance, sign up for my Patreon!

Teaser of the week:

“She glanced to him and patted the seat beside her. “I only bite on Tuesdays. You’re safe.”

Currently listening to:

Line of the week:

Renn slid into the bed, that scent of Kincaid’s rosewood cologne wrapping around him. Kincaid reached forward, stroked a palm over his cock, and then bit his ear. A shudder ran down Renn’s spine and he ground himself against Kincaid’s grasp. He didn’t give a damn if he’d already come earlier in the night—he was ready for round two.

“Hope you have dirty dreams about me,” Kincaid murmured. “See you in the morning.”

Just as fast, he removed his hands and teeth and then switched the light off. Kincaid slipped under the blankets, rested his head on the pillow, and closed his eyes. Renn flipped to face him, the man’s hands not all over his body like they should’ve been.

“You’re a fucking sadist,” Renn muttered, running a hand through his tangled strands. His cock was so hard he could knock someone out with it.

“Only for you, gorgeous,” Kincaid shot back, his lips lifting in a grin even though his eyes remained shut.

Renn swallowed hard as he flipped away from Kincaid. Something about this caused his skin to prickle—it felt way more intimate than sticking his dick in someone. He shifted at least five times before Kincaid’s hand settled on his side. The weight of it caused Renn to still, for once the thump-thump-thump inside him levelling out. He closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath.

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Captured Memories Cover Reveal!


With our Cupid’s Cafe series re-releasing with Inkspell Publishing in the fall, that includes brand new covers! Join the Facebook Group, or add it on Goodreads!

An invitation to Cupid’s Café will change your life.

After the incident that caused Liv Morozov to drop out of college, years later she’s still trying to pick up the pieces of her life. She’s managed to carve out a career for herself as a photographer, but when it comes to guys? Her issues send them running for the hills, every damn time.

Zane Parata has declared himself off-limits for relationships. Between trying to maintain sobriety and the long hours he works as a chef, no one wants to deal with his brand of damage, and he wouldn’t want to burden them in the first place.

When Liv shows up at Cupid’s Café, she never expected to find Zane, her brother’s former best friend who had vanished one day and never returned. The sparks that surged when they were both teens rekindle stronger than ever, and all too fast, Liv and Zane entangle in each other’s lives, breaking their own rules. Except with both struggling with the demons from their past, the love that’s begun to grow is one lapse away from shattering the two of them beyond repair.

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Happy New Year!

Image result for happy new year

Let’s bid 2018 goodbye and set forth into the new year! And I’m planning on kicking some ass in 2019…

Starting with a brand new release, TODAY. Forged Decisions, book two in my Tribal Spirits series comes out today! And if you haven’t checked out the Tribal Spirits series yet, Forged Alliances is on sale for only 99 cents to celebrate!


When Finn falls for Navi, a member of the East Coast Tribe, he’ll have to choose between the pack and family who saved him and the unforgettable woman who’s made her mark.

Ever since Sierra and Dax mated, forming their alliance, Finn has been restless in his position as beta for the Red Rock pack. So, when Navi, the gorgeous, lethal member of the East Coast Tribe, conscripts him to help break up the Landsliders’ drug-running ring, he leaps on the opportunity. As they work together, their attraction deepens to more than comrades and far more than a one-night stand. Except Navi isn’t sticking around town forever and Finn has his own responsibilities tethering him to the Red Rock pack.

When the trail to the drug ring leads them to the man who murdered Finn’s parents, Finn’s forced to confront the fears he’s buried and, in the process, the connection between him and Navi grows scorching and unforgettable. However, with an underground meth lab to bust and his parents’ murderer to take down, Finn throws his heart and soul into the fight, because he knows, even if he survives this, he’ll be forever marked by the goodbyes to follow.

And that’s just the beginning! We’ve got a whole line-up for 2019 already, and that’s not even including books out on submission or in the pipeline. Hope you’re ready to read!

2019 Schedule Thus Far:

Of Tinkers and Technomancers (Whitfield Files #1): March 12, 2019

Forged Contracts (Tribal Spirits #3): April 16, 2019

Hunting for Spring (Philadelphia Coven Chronicles #1): July 17, 2019

Scrying for Summer (Philadelphia Coven Chronicles #2): November 6, 2019

Captured Memories (Cupid’s Cafe #3): November 2019